Palmistry science hands of other organs of the body, not only the line of discussion has texture and cinhakobarema. This equips the body of science, also called sea castle and even a feeble means some organs of the body, according to Scripture tells us samundra kothile of such person indicates that the most erotic. Because of such problems, including autistic kamakutaka the sea Scripture is claimed.
What organs of the People Erotic Kothi?
1- If the mouth is that these people mansion is the most erotic. The upper mouth bass is considered to be an undercover Cupid. This gives a signal kothile excessive sexuality.
2- that palm thumb base mount of Venus is Kothi, such people are also the most erotic. Their love and sexual relationship is very likely byaktisamga sea is mentioned in Scripture.
3- The right eye of the mansion if these people even sensual sea is mentioned in Scripture.
Those pubic Kothi 4 of atyaadhika considered erotic. Such tone, said people from the scriptures sea sexual ability quickly weakens.
It is also considered a symbol of lust mansion 5-thigh. Cofferdam will also be sexy thigh atyaadhika sea is mentioned in Scripture.
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