May, Kathmandu. India, New Delhi yesterday found a mother's womb is a child instead of sports cars. The lady's husband came out of the social network Photo stakes event.
Ultra-Sound, the last two years, according to the Indian online Amar Ujala enhance the couple had a child. Paddhatimarphata vaiviepha wife gave birth to her daughter. She became pregnant again, her daughter was 6 months locality. The couple is the son of the stomach to see that the daughter had taken the Sahara ultrasound.
The couple were terrified child's place of ultrasound sports car had become diffused. They were once, but twice by ultrasound.
The father can discuss ultrasound photo photo distorted into a car that is expected of people. Some hospitals have a staff member estimated that this work also have. Well, whatever it is immediately after the news about the social network also began to have fun kamentaharu.
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