year old boy ask for ( watch video )

Ejensi the age of one. But from erectile palaisakyo hair. The size of the adult organ. Yaunangamatrai but in other parts of the face and body hair. Testorena level of 25 years as adult. Dhodre voice.
Listening to the terrible these children are found in India. The child is seen in the sky named harmonakai disorder, doctors have said.
According to doctors the child victim has been reported child to adult situations. Seven or eight years ago, adult children show symptoms of the condition called praudhaavasthako.
Only 6 months baby had something wrong with the parents know. They had been the son of the great organ as unnatural. But the other part of the body other than the children was very small.
Unwed mother Hindustan Times, said, "We have arrested a large cable uncooperative doctors. But a year when he sensed that something was not something that we have seen. 'Unwed mother, says, "Many children are being raised by my dad, sasuamale of his genitals perpetrators unnatural growth. Then we have the doctor FNCCI ¥. '
Yaunaangale youth begin to work or sexual desire is very rare. So far in recorded history according to Peru in 1 9 3 9 mother Lina Medina piece named the world's youngest mother of the child. He did not five years of age, a child birth. The incident was the international level, she was a celebrity.
Because tumors in his abdomen big Her parents had forecasted. He was taken to the hospital and home treatment nadekhiepachi possible. But a month later, giving birth to a son, he was surprised the world did not tulyaeki.
The doctor treating the heavens Vaishakhi rastagile said, "when the adult child as developed guptangale makes children violent. This level is the increase in the power of his loins even their parents can not control
. "This problem is said to appear in a 10-thousand vice versa.
Another threat to other children their age if there is an increase compared to the infant if it is less. Unusual symptoms seen him remove the pesticide is stretched medicine. This drug should not be understood until his own doctor troubling situation.
Source: The Daily Mail and The Hindustan Times

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