May 14, Kathmandu. Indian standpoint, it is generally accepted that the United States Nepal Nepal Nepal Independent States recognized the right eyes see not, and the US ambassador has told Ally B teplijale.
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Alaina B. Teplitz1 teplijale US ambassador held on Thursday, the US foreign policy in Asia region 'clinical interaction said, "The first thing the United States comes to your foreign policy of India or any other country to allow dikekta." In today's writing the news.
In Nepal, the United States supports India's foreign policy has often heard him say. It amazed. Nepal has had a different policy and parcel of our policy authority was universally why the US Embassy here and are obligated to establish? '
The US for its policy, India and Nepal in Nepal has said that the discussion that has aitasirsina.
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