

This video is the comp!l@tion of all the good deed$ that world renown and popular players and people have done. This is a video that shows that people might be famous and rich but they still are humans and have a soft spot for people. Christiano Ronaldo also @cc!dentally h!ts one of his fans with ball and he $tops the match, walks up to him @polog!zes and offers him his jersey. There are many more such kind acts that these people show. Also one of the Barcelona players offers the tr0phy to the player of the opp*onent team. A player also foul$ just so that players and the referee would concentr@te on the player who got hu*rt. Also, a goal keeper of the winning team con$oles the opp0nent goal keeper after seeing him cr*y. K!ck box!ng is a very v!0*lent game but still the mutual respect of the players towards each other is pheno*menal. These are the examples of tr*ue sport$man ship. Also a kid lo0$es his match so that a physically di$@bled cont*ender could win. A world ren*owned swimmer also fills the dream of a hand!c@pped man and later bur$*ts into te@r$. 

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