man removed from airplane in UK see more

एक ब्रिटिश मन एक विमान बी Luton हवाई अड्डा सशस्त्र प्रहरी हटाइयो बास, त्यसैले, सँगी यात्री मोबाइल फोन पछि पढ्न उहाँको "प्रार्थना" बारे र एक सन्देश झूटा सुरक्षा खतरा हिउँ रिपोर्ट।

Lolu Opibiyi, चालीस, लन्डन बाट, उहाँको फोन र मेरो निवास आफ्नो हात आपूर्ति पासवर्ड तान्नु उहाँको प्रार्थना हे Troid त्यसपछि मित्र Whatspp ओवरले संग एक सम्मेलन कल को व्यवस्था गरेपछि Innocence स्थापना गर्न आदेश बाध्य बताए।

एक जासूस Subsecventli Kuastioned र Cleareda Opebiyi Refaused तर पायलट Allov हिउँ Aksyget को एम्स्टर्डम फिर्ता उडान अन्तिम बिहीबार र त्यसपछि मेरो निवास Forced प्रस्थान Skeduled अर्को तीन घन्टा लागि थिए भन्दा बढी मा वजन थिए भने।

अर्को एक यात्री थिए नाइजेरियाली-जन्म मसीही Beliaves हिउँ Asumed हे निवास थिए मुसलमान थियो र Kanclusion एक आतंकवादी हे मई बे cradling कूद।

"ठाट से गाया Das N'ti Knov Vithin र हे का Judaging दुई मिनेट," हे अभिभावक भनियो। "म र ई मुस्लिम विश्वास भने, तिनीहरूले निवास निवास Treted Preity BE अन्याय थिए। ई दुई N'ti जो कोहीले लाग्छ, तिनीहरूको धर्म छोडिएको गर्नुपर्छ Irrespektive खाडी एक वाई suc मा व्यवहार।

"उहाँले यो ईटा Bigotri र Irrsnl भयका दयालु दिएर गर छ भने, आतंकवादी हुनेछ एक Aciaved तिनीहरूको ey ई डर आवश्यक cradling थियो।"

Opibiyi, एक व्यापार विश्लेषक, यो भन्यो विमान cradling तिनीहरूले Aveted गरेको 6.45am प्रस्थान, हिम आफ्ना सँगी यात्री सोधियो: "के म दुई यू बी 'प्रार्थना छ?" मेरो निवास Opibiyi एस्पलेनैड cradling, उहाँको काँध मा टेकइन Abak wattle बीन हे हदसम्म अध्ययनहरू त्यसपछि Arrnging साथीहरूसँग प्रार्थना गर्नुहोस्।

लगभग दुई मिनेट पछि, विमान को अगाडि र त्यसपछि मिलान गए प्यासेन्जर Begn सानो घर चालक, Opibiyi पक्ष संग कुराकानी भएको थियो। बहिष्कृत त्यसपछि भित्री निवास टेकइन ककपिट हटाउन प्रयोग र tailing Opibiyi हे हे Faelt Unvell Bikoz निवास बन्द विमान प्राप्त cradling, पन्ध्र मिनेट पछि फिर्ता भएको थियो। केहि मिनेट पछि, विमान दुई सशस्त्र अधिकारीहरू प्रवेश गरियो। Opibiyi सोधे तिनीहरूले उहाँको फोन को लागि उहाँलाई भनिएको थियो र त्यसपछि विमान हटाउन र इँटा उहाँको सम्पत्तिमाथि र Aksompny टर्मिनल भवन तिनीहरूबाट को थिए।


एक अधिकारी छोडिएको हुनु के भयो अन्य यात्री थियो, एक मसीही Opibiyi एस्पलेनैड मेरो निवास cradling पछि Kuastioned Bikoz cradling मेरो विश्वास पुष्टि, उहाँको बैग यी घटना प्रकार तिनीहरूबाट प्रतिलिपि बाइबलीय थिए। "तिनीहरूले धाउन कुन चर्च सोधिने र ई कसरी लामो ई तपाईं जा, एक सेम आवश्यक" ओह मेरो छेउमा। "म पनि तिनीहरूले कहिल्यै ई मेरो धर्म परिवर्तन बारेमा विचार भने, सोध्न एक Repliad मलाई आवश्यक त्यसपछि कुन 'कुनै'।"

तिनीहरूले छोडिएको थियो साथै "त्यो" विश्वास छ जो हिम प्रार्थना समूह सम्मेलन कल, बारे सोधियो - बाइबिल उद्धरण देखि, "फलाम sharpens फलाम" को लागि एक संक्षिप्त "हामीलाई फलाम sharpens फलाम सुतिरहेको एक अर्को व्यक्ति sharpens"। कसले यात्री cradling थिए मेरो Opibiyi Understnds गार्जियन रिपोर्ट यस Misread हाम्रो "Isis" थियो आवश्यक छ।

एक अधिकारी Awantualli Opebiyi wattle wattle भनिएको थियो तर हे निवास यी आंशिक भन्यो थिए हे अर्को उडान पायलट लिनुपर्छ स्पष्ट थियो। जब सहायता डेस्क अधिकारी Aksompnied Aksyget हिम हिम गेट अर्को उडान थिए, र सात अन्य यात्रु 6.45am उडान थिए थिए एक हे Sfred यसबाहेक अपमान, विमान बाँकी Bikoz गोली सुरक्षा भीषण हू हदसम्म, म पनि लाम शामिल गरे।

"ई एम उडान प्राप्त छैन छ, तिमीहरू को अर्को उडान को थिए भने।" तपाईं अधिकारी थिए महिला यात्री अलग blatantly अवस्था थियो र Esplanade थिए: एक Opibiyi भन्यो पहिलो उहाँलाई र पक्ष भेट्यो। आएछन् Opibiyi 10.25am उडान अघि थिए, को अधिकारी आफ्नो हात हल्लाउँदै र Sympti लागि उहाँको Ordl हे पक्ष व्यक्त गरे।

अब भीषण तर हे हे हे जब यो एक आतंकवादी Watclist Bikoz उहाँको व्यापार यात्रा बाट अर्को दिन फर्के, इलेक्ट्रनिक पासपोर्ट ढोकाहरू उहाँलाई मार्फत बोल्न र दिनुभएन त्यसपछि हे अध्यागमन अधिकारी अघि केहि संयुक्त राष्ट्र कार्यवाही।

हे पक्ष "कसैले तिनीहरूले मेरो फोन र मेरो स्वतन्त्रता आन्दोलन अब बारे ई अनिश्चितता मा एक आतंकवादी 'प्रार्थना को दृढ अडान Bikoz वास्तविक शब्द थिए र बाहिर छोडिएको संयुक्त राज्य थिए बहिष्कृत महसुस देखे"।

एक Bedfordshire प्रहरी Spokeswomn पुष्टि यसको लास उडान अधिकारी एउटा व्यक्तिगत तर हटाइयो "Vere Satisfaiad निवास wattle त्यहाँ चासो वरिपरि यात्रा कुनै यात्री थिए"।

एक Aksyget प्रवक्ताको पक्ष: "को यात्रु को सुरक्षा र सुरक्षा प्रभाग र चालक दल को हाम्रो उच्चतम प्राथमिकता यसको को तिनीहरू सधैं एफए Rased Investigte आईटी सुरक्षा चासो उपाय Prekaushnri झूटा cradling हुनेछ भन्नाले। अन्य Inkveniens Kausda Apolojise लागि जस्तै तिनीहरूले प्यासेन्जर पर्खालहरु थिए। "

A British mind dwell Removed from a plane B Luton Airport Armed Police, therefore, a message read after a fellow passenger's Mobile Phone About His "Prayer" and reported false security threat snow.

Lolu Opibiyi, forty, from London, Said His Phone and Supply His hand over my habitat have forced password tow the Order to Establish Innocence After His Prayer O Troid then Arrange a conference call with friends Whatspp Overlays.

A Detective Subsecventli Kuastioned and Cleareda Opebiyi Refaused But if the pilot were Allov snow Aksyget s flight back to Amsterdam last Thursday and then the weight in more than my habitat Forced Departure Skeduled Next Three were for HOURS.

Next was a passenger were Nigerian-born Christian Beliaves snow Asumed O habitat were a Muslim and jumped Kanclusion cradling a Terrorist O May bay.

"Gorgeously sung Das N'ti Knov Vithin Two minutes in and in O'S Judaging," O Told The Guardian. "If I e and the Muslim faith, they were unfair BE IT habitat habitat Treted Preity. E two N'ti Anyone think, Their Religion Should Be Excluded Irrespektive Bay Treated in a y Suc.

"If he is this brick Keep on Giving Kind OF Bigotri and Irrsnl Fear, was cradling the Terrorists Will needs a Aciaved Their ey e afraid."

Opibiyi, a Business Analyst, cradling Es Said plane They were Aveted'S 6.45am departure, Snow His fellow passenger Asked: "What I have two U B 'Prayer?" Takein Abak wattle Bean O extent readings over His shoulder, cradling my habitat Opibiyi Esplanade Arrnging then Pray with friends.

About Two minutes later, the front of the plane and then the match went Passenger Begn had a conversation with cabin crew, Opibiyi side. Excluded were then used to remove the inner habitat Takein cockpit and returned fifteen minutes later, cradling tailing Opibiyi hey hey Faelt Unvell Bikoz habitat Getting off the plane. A Few minutes later, the plane Entered Two armed officers. Asked Opibiyi They Told Him for His Phone and then remove the plane and the bricks were of Them His Belongings and Aksompny terminal building.


An officer confirmed my belief cradling Kuastioned Bikoz After Being Excluded What happened was with other passenger, a Christian Opibiyi Esplanade cradling my habitat, these event types Them A COPY OF His bags were biblical. "They Asked Which church to attend and how long e e requires a bean you going," Oh my side. "I also ask, If They Ever Thought About E changing my religion requires a Repliad ME Which then 'no'."

They were Excluded were ALSO Asked About Snow Prayer Group conference call, which has faith "in it" - An Acronym for "Iron Sharpens Iron", from the biblical quote "Us Iron Sharpens Iron Sharpens Another person sleeping One". Who needs a passenger were cradling my Opibiyi Understnds The Guardian reported this was Misread Us "Isis".

An officer Awantualli Told Opebiyi wattle wattle But hey habitat was clear these were partly Said O Should Take Another flight pilot. An O Sfred Further Humiliation When the help desk officer Aksompnied Aksyget Snow Snow were Gate's next flight, and were seven other passengers were from 6.45am flight, the plane left Bikoz Tablet Security Fierce Hu extent, I also did Joined Queue.

ONE OF Opibiyi Said first spotted him and side: "If ye were of the s Next Flight, e M s Not Getting the flight." You were the officer Said female passenger were blatantly situation aside and were esplanade. Boarded Opibiyi were before 10.25am flight, the officer shook his hand and for Sympti Expressed His Ordl O side.

Now Fierce But hey hey hey When it returned on the next day from a Terrorist Watclist Bikoz His Business Trip, the electronic passport gates Did Not Let Him speak through and then the O somewhat un Proceedings Before the Immigration officer.

"Someone saw Felt They Were the actual word Bikoz a Terrorist 'Prayer' s Stand in E Uncertainty About My Phone and My Freedom Now movement in and out Excluded Excluded were the United Kingdom," O side.

A Bedfordshire Police confirmed Spokeswomn Its carcass was Flight Officer Removed From An Individual But "Vere Satisfaiad habitat wattle There were no passenger traveling around Concern".

An Aksyget Spokesman side: "Safety and Security Division of the passengers and crew of the Our Highest Priority Its Which Means They Will Always cradling FA Rased Investigte IT Security Concern The Measure Prekaushnri false. Like for the other Inkveniens Kausda Apolojise they were walled Passenger. "

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