KATHMANDU, Vice Nandalal were again returning to his visit to China. After the ride will be as usual and constant security had cleared the way. His son again bagged the same batohumdai microbuses were going nowhere.
After an hour stay stuck in the same anger he wrote, only very cold and the anger phesavukakai bhittoma.
He said he was the son of the Vice President, and also the father of the victim made vehicle congestion Dennis wrote bases. He said, 'Son, is so angry, got up and said how much more would the public?'
Security or other government VIPs ride whatever reason, even when the operation of private and public vehicles to tell harm the environment and have urged.
"When vehicles do are usually fed by Sangeeta ', nagarikanyujasamga what he said," it should seek an alternative way.' Street Jam and hardship of not public, he said. He suggested one way for a vehicle baikalpika VIPs.
His bases and intelligence that is:
Today, the Vice President, and I am stuck in a vehicle for hours because I microbuses as Vice-son Dennis was so very angry that I can not make him more angry, how much more would a public safety or what ?? For whatever reason, even when the government bhiaipi ride freely in the streets more private and public stop operation or a short ride wearing the new rules optional vyavasthagari bhiaipi way ride on the street when the traffic law of the public wonder why ?? Tibet naparnegari
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