new video song

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KATHMANDU, May 32. Directed by RIM bisvakarmale 'relimaiko public has fun song. "Let go up khasauli 'sang the song is released. Public movie song, movie and music director of the rim visvakarmakai word is. Long live singer singing a song he did not write.

Red Line Films Pvt Ltd banner and the movie "Rana relimaima accident, full moon Lama, actors Ryan prizes. Released on August 21 had come to the movie trailer youtube public is much preferred.

The young generation of film byaktiharu various groups living in the capital have been presented in a fun way the suffering. Nepali original story building bearing the movie audience as the first goalie to be built, he also creative director of Vishwakarma mathicalacitra year. Old hall full of entertainment with audience happily out of the theaters Bishwakarma is claimed. Construction already learned this movie with another comedy film Suntali and driven away even jhilkele released soon.

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