how to check blood group

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Agency - Your blood is AB C slide_70 ups if your blood is extraordinary. Because your blood, a rare blood group must. AB blood group is the world's only a few people. Why just this little man is the blood?
'Gene that is inherited on the basis of the blood group (blood group) is received, the American Society of hematolojista at Boston Children's Hospital, Dr. endada Leslie silabaristana say,' blood group genes is a protein encoded does the blood kosikako surface is revealed, and the same on the basis of the laboratory, we identified we.
Red and white blood cells in whole blood, platelets, and plasma is. Fixed to fund the construction of a blood cell sarirabhara the oxygen flow. Every two or three blood kosikaharu imposed upon the blood of 10 million. Red kosikale avoids blood to coagulate if the disease is not physically jogaucha white kosikale. Kosikama every 6 hundred blood platelets is 40.
The surface of red blood kosikako karbohaidreda protein mixtures. These proteins called suksama indications that entijensa. This eight-digit number entijensalai basic blood groups can be to separate. A, B, AB and O. All of these can be positive or negative.
Blood group Ako means that your blood group A gene is at least one of which is a result of your blood for a protein with different sugar which is mounted such injaima.
Similarly, the B blood group B entijena Cable, AB, and O. Both groups Group A or B in any manner. These blood group A blood test is considered as very important.
Blood conflicting wills himself comes a dangerous reaction. Kosika their blood levels of immune system unfamiliar entijena (rashes resistant capacity building element) to identify and attack them. Therefore, for patients with blood group B blood group A blood forwarding your sarirale new encroachment to destroy the resistance increase.
According to O positive blood groups stadarphoda School of medisiyanaka 37 point 4, and includes the highest percentage of people who would be a positive 35 point 7 percent are. Similarly, B positive 8 point 5 percent, o negative 6 point 6 percent, a negative 6 point 3, AB positive 3 point 4, B negative and AB negative 0 1 point 5 point 6 percent are.

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