
SINDHUPALCHOWK giranacaurama second integrated township construction industry added comic artist Sitaram Kattel 'dhurmusa' and pergolas Ghimire 'Suntali' for the charitable foundation bank account opened dhurmusasuntali three million has been deposited.

Foundation President kattelakaanusara Rs Tilganga Eye Foundation. After 15 million assistance has reached three million. Account settlement construction is only one of the Foundation was only 78 million.

Dhurmusasuntalilai huge amount of support so far aboard behalf of the organization Help Nepal Foundation 20 million, City Express and Tilganga Eye Hospital received 15 million are 6 million to support dendu Lama on behalf of the person in front of most help are aboard. So far, about five hundred organizations and individual support foundation have been received.

One year after the earthquake, they have 65 days on April 12 on Thursday for family, garden, park, had launched a whole building. Dhurmusako say the concept of a model village about five million spent doing them.

Now they are confident the two million amount will rise. "The first settlement banaisakekolai who do not believe that they would have announced the construction of settlements were consistent ahamsahitako crowded," dhurmusale setopatisamga said, 'Where uthaumchas cinejanekaharu-five million, bahulais you? Meant. At first it scared to seek the assistance of nauthda was running. Now certainly raises two million. That is faith. L suppose very cold and avoiding repetition of the program sold by tour though we handed phulapatisamma settlement. "

Settlement construction engineer for the past two months, seven persons, accompanied dhurmusa obharasiyaralagayata giranacauramai work are placed. So far, home place to make trades, making way, work is being done to prepare block and build a house, work will begin this week dhurmusale said.

Now she has spent much of the day and said it would not and expenditure. What was the title of the cost, expense, all the details will be made public, he added vebasaitamarphat Foundation official. He said, "We must all merchandise purchased as VAT bilasahita goods are purchased. This integrated settlement construction but also a home to make a working example, let us have done that. So we we all expenditures transparent. If found evidence of lack of transparency, public place, people also gathered J. punished, expelled from the country as well. "

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