

There is a festival in Spain during which a lot of bulls are allowed to run free together. With the @ngry bulls, thousand of bulls also run with them. At that period people run away from the @ngry bull to protect themselves. But sometimes the @ tt * ack of the bulls even result in de @ th $ evere! Nj * ures.

In the picture it can be seen that a man is trying to protect himself after seeing an angry bull come towards him. In the picture it is clear that the bull is @ttack! Ng him from the back. It also can be seen that the @ngry bull is putting his horns into the middle part of the man's h! Ps. It has been said on the news that even thought the! Ncident looks very d @ ngerous to watch but the man did not have any severe inj * uries. It has been said that despite a bulls horns hitting the middle of the man's hips he did not have any inju * rie $.


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