ten year old girl halted for marriage : see more

तिनीहरूले Hoted को Veda वर्षीया केटा लागि कारण मनोनीत तीन पटक एक पाकिस्तानी प्रहरी गोली एक्स वर्षीया केटी, हू निवास गर्न विवाह आवश्यक थिए भने तिनीहरूको परिवार बीच एक विवाद अन्त।
विवाह भएपछि स्थानीय गाउँमा प्राचीन धेरै केटी भाइ पद Akkused उहाँको पत्नी हत्या आदेश दिइयो।
अपराध, त्यसपछि एक नातेदार को Mrry बसे थिए भने हे Illigl तर Rman पाकिस्तान साधारण को "आवाज" Mrriages वेयर नारी आदेश Korrespondents।
चार तिनीहरूले प्रहरी द्वारा पक्राउ परेका थिए गाँउ प्राचीन एक मामला आवश्यक छ।
बीन वैवाहिक कारण आंशिक प्रहरी गाउँ छापामार्ने भएपछि पंजाब गरेको शुक्रवार, प्राकृतिक निवास Satopped को पुरुष Rhimayr खान जिल्लामा ठाउँ लिन तर थियो भन्छन्।
अझै पनि झन्डै स्वचालित लाइसेन्स जिम्मेवारी, प्रहरी आधिकारिक चौधरी Yasin बीबीसी भनिएको थियो अन्य Suspekts Vere अधिकारी को लागि खोज।
'आदर हत्या'
हत्या पछि उनको पत्नी केटी भाइ पद Akkused हे नकारात्मक सम्बन्ध Suspekted manipulated थियो। पक्राउ र यो Kurrently हे निवास मा jailed।
उहाँको गिरफ्तारी, स्थानीय प्राचीनहरूको गाउँ परिषद, गैर झूटा पंचायत निम्न, प्राकृतिक निवास दुई परिवार बीच द्वन्द्व बसे थिए भनिन्छ।
दुवै अल्पसंख्यक हिन्दु समुदाय Rhimayr खान बाँचिरहेका परिवार Belonged थिए, चौधरी Yasin भन्यो।
पंचायत शासन म एक नातेदार वास्तविक पीडित छोडिएको, आदेश बसे थियो विवाद तान्नु छु, wattle वर्षीया केटी गर्नुपर्छ एक्स Marri तीन पटक वर्षीया केटा मनोनीत थियो थिए।
पाकिस्तानी कानुन अन्तर्गत, एक हत्या सिकार को नातेदार रगत मुद्रा को लागि फिर्ती दायाँ उजागर थिए थिए मा एक गोली Prpetrtr आवश्यक र सम्झौता, इस्लामाबाद मा बीबीसी गरेको Ilyas खान उल्टो मा रिपोर्ट।
दुवै आदर हत्या र भन्छन् Remen Mrriages पाकिस्तान साधारण, संग खण्डहरू Prptratrs Influantial समाज Purer र सायद कम त्यसपछि Prosekyuted बे, हाम्रो संवाददाता एड्स बाट छोडिएको।
जनवरी मा, बिल एक धार्मिक शरीर, इस्लामी विचारधारा गोली को परिषद, बिल Deskribed हाम्रो "संयुक्त राष्ट्र-इस्लामी" पछि अठार सोह्र Vitdravan निवास देखि छोडिएको महिला लागि कानुनी विवाह हुर्काउनु प्रस्तावित cradling थियो।

Pakistani police say they have halted the marriage of a 10-year-old girl, who was due to wed a 14-year-old boy to end a dispute between their families.
Local village elders had ordered the marriage after the girl's brother was accused of killing his wife.
Correspondents say "vani" marriages, where a woman is ordered to marry to settle the crime of a relative, are illegal but remain common in Pakistan.
Police say they have arrested four village elders over the case.
The vani marriage had been due to take place in Punjab's Rahimyar Khan district on Friday, but was stopped after police raided the village.
Officers were still searching for nearly 20 other suspects, police official Chaudhry Yasin told the BBC.

'Honour killing'

The girl's brother was accused of killing his wife after he suspected her of an affair. He was arrested and is currently in jail.
Following his arrest, a council of local village elders, known as a panchayat, was called to settle the conflict between the two families.


Both families belonged to the minority Hindu community living in Rahimyar Khan, Chaudhry Yasin said.
The panchayat ruled that the 10-year-old girl should marry the 14-year-old boy, who was a relative of the victim, in order to settle the dispute.
Under Pakistani law, relatives of a murder victim have the right to pardon the perpetrator in return for blood money or a compromise, the BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad reports.
Both honour killings and vani marriages remain common in Pakistan, with perpetrators from poorer and less influential sections of society most likely to be prosecuted, our correspondent adds.
In January, a bill that proposed raising the legal age of marriage for women from 16 to 18 was withdrawn after a religious body, the Council of Islamic Ideology, described the bill as "un-Islamic".

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