what happens just before deadth ?

The eternal truth of life is death. Born with the same person's death is the time to decide. Everyone is afraid of death, but the death of the life experience of the person is telling the truth. It does not reduce people's curiosity to learn that after all is what happens after death. There are also the people that death was already anticipated. Here you're going to tell you about the delusions and experiences that are felt immediately before the death. When you feel that your life will be just a few moments, then they experience the wonder that is.

Delusions about the death of the former is mentioned in different ways. Many people do not believe antemortem delusions. But science has put the seal on this matter is that some think is the first person to die in a few moments.

According to the survey conducted by scientists have rushed to the experience of death are a person's physical world as well as her engagement, then at least on the way to run that also inspire the soul to reach the destination location is.

Look understanding, the monkey has just left the seat to the elderly

The person close to death, the death of the soul with the body also experiences. Many times when such events occur after death to reach the mouth of the person is to get a life. You have also heard many stories will be the same person at the time when the funeral is rising again alive. Based on the interviews of these people to get the results of their research scientists have created installations.

Spirit saw to fly

There are a few events in the United States in which a woman was taking ventilators your last breath. The woman's eyes light was very weak, despite its laid back he realized that his machine is able to view on the issue. That's not all he saw himself flying towards the top. After a few minutes his soul enters the body has again taken. According to the doctors he could die at any moment, but they came close to death, has come back. Out of Body Experience it in the language of science is called.

Environment matters

According to scientists, who grew up in the atmosphere is, his religion and religious beliefs, his death approached to narrate the experience is. Near Death Experience Experience an adult when this experience is the fear of his death, social and religious environment is very important. But when a small child passes these experiences is how it feels, because it does not know the meaning of death, and not only it is a kind of religion of any engagement.

Scientists say that five to seven years until the death of the child, and not only they do not understand the concept of past life is nothing to fear because they do not have some kind of. They are also some of the experience that an adult can.

Heaven-hell back

Every religion in the spirit of the two destinations have been mentioned, and the second heaven is a hell. It is said that the souls of the people who live in the good karma out toward the heavens are the souls in hell that there are bad karma. People know very well that the rest of his deeds were good or bad. Perhaps better than anyone else this thing can not go, so when death is near and your actions based on his spirit to heaven or hell starts the journey.

There are also considerations

According to Hindu belief in the strange Mauro. They are a huge bureaucracy to look at the heavens are. Keep track of the actions of a buffalo with a death god Yama, the Hindu religion associated with the vehicle is so that people who have seen death very closely, says that he is sitting on top of a buffalo were your last visit. People associated with the Buddhist religion, who, according to their Near Death Experience is their last trip of black mountains, deep sea and colorful flowers surrounding the way gone. He saw this during the Buddha with. On the way to the Hindu religion, the people told the same, but he is not the Buddha but was seen Krishna.

When people living near the death, such as sense once you understand it can be said that the living conditions in your thoughts, beliefs, after the death of your journey and these all affect the very religion plays a big role is.

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