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Lately, the concept of ‘eating healthy’ seems to be more popular than ever. People were probably eating much healthier a century ago than they do now. The whole hysteria with eating as healthy as possible only raised awareness to the fact that we are eating overly processed foods, which usually don’t have anything good and natural left. It’s really annoying how eating healthy is rather a trend than a real concern regarding the quality of our lives.Not everyone has a big garden full of vegetables and fruits. Many people live in apartments located in crowded cities that barely have any parks and where the green spaces are extremely limited. All the food is found in supermarkets where a brand’s reputation dictates the price.Eating healthy is really costly. So prepare to empty your pockets to get natural good stuff to feed yourself. Normal people who come from a middle-class are neither really rich nor starving. But money is tight and few afford to splurge into delicacies like… healthy stuff. So most people look for deals and discounts, regardless of the food quality.

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