traffic police

Rupa labuna, Police Inspector, please contact: Police Office chief. Rupa MBA are passed. He has five years suuru traffic police service. Jhapa, their home. Farmers are ordinary family. She felt it in the family he never had any discrimination in those bazaar. Rupa says, "to read, to walk out of the house independent of me was off."
Followers rupale police never think of her career. His family also had no secular police, police profession was not his charm. However, it was incapable of work, and want to be self-sufficient. "I was unemployed, looking for an opportunity as an opportunity to get the police," Rupa says, "At that time our society had a positive view of the police. Police lord, thinking that they may abuse their authority prevailed. So I never saw the police to be a dream. "
Only the police service, he began to better understand what the police career. Now he is all right for women to feel more jagirabhanda police career. "This way, both physically and mentally strengthen the impetus to women. Training is found. I travel the country and abroad, as others have brought culture and the development of discernment see, "Rupa says," I am also of society entail man. I am fearful of police women different kind of confidence comes from. Whatever paristhatisamga also has the courage to tackle, so I am satisfied that it pays. "
Rupa professional journals and experience from her words:
Some said 'Oh, how beautiful, are nuisance' walk saying. Jhimkyaune eyes, it has become common to see Dag's eyes. Such is too busy to follow us. At times, too, as well. Listen to the kind of obscene words insulted shame. To prevent such persons put on another court.
Female traffic terdaiainan
I think, first, the trend of women in every sector is not yet lost. The traffic police is also the same. One male voice traffic police, drivers stop at the same guidance. We as women seek hepnai, rebellious. We need to work with more strictly. Motorcycle drivers are more irreverent. Also gaidinchan rokdarokdai. Next to such a court to stop and we are taking action. According to a public issue forward their action.
The only escape by breaking a traffic law where is it? Some also himdidinchan jiskyaera. Say hello how are u come before. Some said 'Oh, how beautiful, are nuisance' walk saying. Jhimkyaune eyes, it has become common to see Dag's eyes. Such is too busy to follow us. Do not care. Serious way of thinking can not be overemphasized.
At times, too, as well. Walk by garbage abuse. Listen to the kind of obscene words insulted shame. To prevent such persons put on another court. Police attended the Nov. office. Is interrogated. Action to excuse the range. Night duty of the police is more a problem. Hye alone because it is afraid. Women alone still saw the driver hepai ​​added.

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