manisha's video report latest

Chowdhury also spoke asisa See the video

 Nawalparasi. Magar Magar's sister Manisha Vimal footballer boyfriend petition concerning the investigation of death of the Polygraph test, Chaudhary Manisha Chaudhary murder is not the answer to true views. 5 hours on police control of ailing Area Police Office, Ilam Chaudhary was Polygraph test.Western Regional Police Office in Pokhara branch police inspector Prasad Pandey remanded team led from Nawalparai Chaudhary had 11 questions.The test Magar died Manisha Chaudhary police question you firmly that no answer was given and the answer by checking Polygraph views True spoken by organizing a press conference on Wednesday Nawalparasi District Police Office said.

Polygraph test Manisha Chaudhary true speaking about the murder See the research still remains Lumbini Zonal Police Office, Police Chief Sher Bahadur Basnet said Senior Superintendent of Police.He May 5th to May 12 on long Manisha use mobile number makes use Mobile number 1 hundred 16 times last call, and to the same on within asisale use mobile number Manisha use the mobile number 1 hundred and 2 times yesterday called the research found, said .May 12 incident on the same day the mobile number used Manisha asisale the mobile number used 8 congratulated 32 minutes 27 seconds of the last call the District Police Office, Police Chief SP Rajendra Chaudhary said. They also send messages via the mobile number they use many conversations, police said.

Asisale Manisha murder did not answer Polygraph test is true is seen at a press sammalanema Zonal Police Office, Lumbini police chief Senior Superintendent of Police Sher Bahadur Basnet said now murder or suicide can say to our research, only one third has expired, we have different perspectives scientific manner research're continuing details of the incident will come out some day.He found the scene of the blood sample, the postmortem report (some fat to dehumanize someone mercury / mob) sent to said test.Similarly, because of the Tuesday hyanganika Manisha death from the post mortem report is mentioned. But, yet Manisha was on that suicide has not yet become clear.


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