Agency. According to the pre-condition for the operation the hospital for free treatment to the poor in Delhi saying the government five private hospitals in the city of their 7 hundred million 'unfair advantage' has directed the government to deposit account. The deposit is said to Max super specialty hospitals and Fortis iskorta isticyuta Heart Hospital (socket) are even.
They leased the land adjacent to the hospital sancalanapurva had promised to treat the poor for free. Health Department Additional Director Dr. In addition to the above two hospitals, according to the hem of light, peace mukanda Hospital, Shila Cancer Hospital and Research Institute pasupati singhahani free treatment to the poor condition in 1 9 60 1 99 0 by the hospital said rebate provided the land.
"These five hospital before driving ducted images have not fully kept condition. Free treatment of the poor, why they did not and why they reject punishment through a letter in December last year, we were asked to clarify. But none of them was satisfied with the response action is prevented aspatalaharubiruddha, "Light said.
'High bans in 2007 in the name of the hospital for free treatment of poor execution and stubborn to the hospital's decision, on the basis of punishment is the punishment toikieko. Criminal penalties are prescribed in accordance with the same, "he said.
Jul 9, Dhaka hospital to pay the amount due is time. The bail amount on the same date as prescribed nachuttaunalelai further action is to be.
Fortis-escort free treatment to the poor some of Delhi's 43 private hospitals subsidized amount of land was set aside. Fortis Healthcare iskorta Health Institute Research Centre 503 End point is called 36 million to deposit money. "The Delhi High Court vyabasthapanale hospital or other related bodies in accordance with law to try to treatment," the hospital said in a statement.
Max is a super specialty hospitals in the debhaki debhi phaundasanale in a statement, "We believe that this direction is unclear. Poor community we are ready to meet their commitment ,. This direction will appeal against the appropriate bodies, "said Khanna hospice Cancer Hospital director surbhasa.
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