Most successful in the movie business life time is one and a half could cause. Most of the 40 million Nepalese motion Life Time gross collection .But, from the movie Friday demonstrations' gajalule million club to decide if 2 days has passed. This is the second movie of KC precious hero acting, that figure has exceeded 2 days .Earlier million club The movie was released last March due to "drimsale 2 days and a half million above the figure had exceeded. Friday demonstration movie on the first day, about 45 million harahariko gajalule trade officials said that the producer Rohit .darsak in aasta
The second day of the film business doubled. Saturday, 9 0 million above the movie across the veil has gross collection. Up to 10 million and 8 million business in Pokhara film has Narayangad. Outside Kathmandu, Dharan, Damak, the police, the movie business is good. Two days of the movie business is above 1 million, 35 million and a half million aitabarasamma this movie above will readily trade. The lack of bihibarasamma leave Sunday as its initial business is not sure. However, if the movie business to maintain uniformity in the first week trade appears above 2 million.
According to official film producer to invest 1 million to 25 million. About 3 million investment to save only the movie business should harahariko. The manufacturer claims that 30 million above the income abroad. VCD rights are made with 13 million fortune.
KC Duwachour precious hero stardom is illuminated like a fourth time. Many viewers watching the film, the hero and heroine menu High Salon Basnet work are appreciated. Neo-actress and former Miss Nepal srrsti Shrestha, Kathmandu Saturday Ashta, viga audience reaction when she came to the hall, including mubhija. Salon hero Basnet in Kathmandu had taken the selfie round Ashta viewer. Ashta on Saturday 6 million 35 thousand business only have been made with information .salon with fan
The glory of this film directed by Hem VC Pahari, the main role of the artist, including the Royal Hrithik. The story of the movie pre-virgin has arisen. It is considered the main weapon of the viewer draw.
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