Kathmandu. Life and death are anxious about the common man. It is also natural. Though many studies to prevent the death of science research is not the success. However, the Belarusian bhagavana sankarasamga related death has been mentioned about Signal Ahead.
The same Belarusian ourselves on the basis of which is that when a person died about:
1. According to the Belarusian vision of the planet, even when he does not know about directions and restless mind chairahancha the death is 6 months.
2. The man suddenly came to hold on to his blue shrimp is less than a month.
3. The man has been referred to the Belarusian head of vulture above, cork or sugaa come within a month of his death remains.
4. If all of a sudden a person's body is white or yellow or red target shows that the death is the death of 6 months. The person of the same mouth, ears, eyes, tongue and other body members to stop work correctly death of 6 months.
5. That of humans around the moon or the sun shining black or red ring of death within 15 days of a man is what he sees.
6. This is a man begins to dry mouth and throat many times the man died within 6 months of the Belarusian has been mentioned.
death signal
7. The man who sees his shadow or the shadow of the head does not see the death of such a man, it is within a month.
8. When a man constantly on the left hand by a heavy week is (stiffness does) that man only lives less than a month.
9. According to the Belarusian Human beings can not see the Pole Star or suryamandalako also spelled correctly and rainbow night and day as well as vultures and ravens gherirahancha sees meteor was his age is not more than 6 months.
10. It seems that man is the sun and the moon, Rahu pain in the man's death is 6 months.
11. According to the person on the back of the Belarusian deer hunters heard the great voice soon becomes his death within 6 months.
12. Belarusian has been mentioned - the person who correctly sees the light of fire and the four directions of the dark dekhirahancha his death within 6 months.
(However, the above-mentioned subject on the basis of religious texts written in Hindi dot mentioned in the Belarusian News Online The poll said Bimarsha. The same online service has been gratefully. Mentioned Death Syndrome are not on a scientific basis. Therefore, the symptoms that appear to be with the man's death is not.)
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