Kathmandu. Humans can be detected by checking the visible overturned kyansaramadhye cancer is breast cancer. Pointing to his breast with beaming easily check the time, the disease can be avoided, which is called breast self ikjyaminesana alter or not according to your breast that is right in front of a mirror can also be checked. Front of a mirror to see his two breasts, both breast equality, shape, texture, position the nipple, skin color, some parts of the breast tumors were not ÷ attention. Likewise when checking manually while bathing is considered very good. With straps that easily can be checked. Wet hands with soap imposed easier to check for breast debre hand right breast and the left breast with the right hand as a sort can be checked. So in order to check if in any part of the firm immediately be treated with medications, said. But check the breast and overturned while being regularly menstruating women menstruate 4-5 days, the test should be stopped. For a little swollen breasts during menstruation are, pain is strong and light. If so, immediately check the Lotto, said gynecologist Dr. Agarwal light.
Prajapati of Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital cancer specialist Dr. Roshan breast cancer seen in women kyansaramadhye would come first number. According to him, the women beyond the age when the budhyaulitira breast cancer is likely to grow. Women aged 50 years of age in the various figures, the average breast cancer does appear more problems.
He said - "Some may also be due to hereditary breast cancer. But all this is not a problem. Some women start menstruating late, even if it is dried through prolonged breast cancer is more likely. Slow baby women and their birth to a baby of breastfeeding token women with breast cancer risk is much higher than has been seen. "Long time family planning pills, eating, hormone use, unnecessary radiation (X-rays), they come in contact, fatty food more food, more alcohol consumption and very fat woman's risk of breast cancer, he said. Nepal Cancer Hospital cancer specialist, Dr. Sudip Shrestha says "Breast cancer is a type of breast tumor cells in which a person is abnormally increased. Not only in the cells in the same place. The other body tissues and moves. It is time to destroy the whole body is unable to take the patient's death also may Pai m. "
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