strike at baluwatar

20 May, Kathmandu. Sudhir Basnet cooperatives in Oriental banekaharule victim's residence on Thursday morning have been picketed. They have performed among the visions of the street.

Cooperatives have been the victims demanded the government to take strict action against basnetamathi tell they are.

"We are the victims of Sudhir Basnet, cooperatives, government officials Basnet fraud absconding unfinished request by the Ministry of the Seeker 'Oriental' ve victim analainakhabarasamga Pokharel said.

Cooking-Stove-at-Baluwatar-Road participated in a large number of victims to picket Baluwatar basnetaviruddha slogans as well as protection to avoid Basnet have demanded the government.

Registrar of the Department of Oriental written request Rastra Basnet cooperative work undertaken to re-run that had urged.

UML leader Bam gautamasameta hundreds of people after demanding money from him to operate a business totally Basnet victims of the streets to protest.

Baluwatar while picketing the streets when the police intervened and made Pokharel said some protesters were injured.

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