whatapps TIPS

If you wanted to look at a person associated with the text that you sent him hrvatsaepabata appear different. Already a few weeks hrvatsaepale also has allowed his clients pharmetinako text.

This feature is now hrvatsaepama you write the word 'bold', 'italic' or 'strike through' can make. By using different command, you can make your character in different formats.


Let us learn about this command

Bold letters to syntax or start or end of the word star (*) sign Keep

For italic syntax or the last word under score (_),

No syntax or words written to remove the start and end (~) mark.

And if you are bold or italic once if you want to start a sentence or a word, and finally both (* _), an indication of use.

It has been without change pharmetina keyboard.

You formatted letter that this person sees the sand if it is related. Those using the old version hrvatsaepako also be able to use this feature. This feature is available for both Apple and Android.

Hrvatsaepale himself would have to be modified. But it also wants to use the Simulators, that he will soon be offering video calling feature. Hrvatsaepale last barsamatrai had started calling feature.

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