Surrey teenager to stop sexual abuse before
Krishna Gautam
1 9 May, Dhading. Gandaki river and the surrounding area, including the risk of violence against children and sexual exploitation of labor rises to protect his rights have been established in various youth groups and children's clubs.
SEX-Abuse, about 40 young group and 30 children active activity club are operating. Local intellectuals and society in a variety of campaigner started with the support of such institutions, especially adolescents 10 years 1 9 years of debate and advocate their rights and the rights to protection.
Children in the local hotel and restaurant's always been knowingly or unknowingly, labor exploitation and commercial sexual activity in the region could be near and harassment campaign conducted by the organization in different.
Chairman of the golden morning worship Paudel today when children are the future of the country to conduct a national policy, stressing the need to protect their rights. Local small adolescents according to their ability to provide opportunities to be active in their organization said.
Dharkedekhi Malekhu muglinasammako highway through the area around the cafeteria and bhojanaghara more than two thousand, and some are guest house. The route through the daily large and small, five thousand vehicles daily ventilation as well.
Local organizations that research in the area the hotel restaurant working girl, a vehicle driver by luring love ensnare, mobile nambata a good job, getting married, such as various promising elsewhere calling, physical contact, keeping them bad things would be compelled to nowhere and selling the has found.
A local girl children due to poverty and labor exploitation risk of the reader Parvati, and they are working as a victim of sexual abuse, also expressed concern.
Bageswori HS Class 9 in her study, she is also president of Bageswori teenager looking Anisha bhujel look younger, her weighty and mature decision to that ability, many are expecting him.
Bhujel village where the existing evils and wrong actions need to discourage the development of the education sector stressed that the media portrayal of the reality of the problem, she asked him to support the protection of child rights.
The municipality and 46 VDCs of Dhading one. Agriculture based on its upright and hardworking man look. Locals often a career is conducting a local journalist Keshav duvadile said krsipachi hotel.
Nepal, a social organization for social transformation and youth-commercial sexual exploitation and child marriage and teenage locals coordination and cooperation with the locals and orientation training is conducted by the founder Neha Sharma informed. A group of local youth organizations, program coordinator Thapa bhiktori local village community, to minimize distortion by her best role. RSS
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