Kathmandu. Thursday morning throughout the public and rental vehicles plying. Traffic fines to take it to reduce the amount badhaiekoma demanding banks is organized by Public Transportation. However, one of the shutdown Independent Transport Workers General Secretary Bhim Rai said Flame was no allowance in favor of the government say that the penalty badhaunuhumdaina.
After today's traffic, why stop? Analainakhabarale Secretary Rai, short interest in about six
Rai Yes, comrade and why people identify with the vehicles to be stopped? Violation of traffic rules and penalties need to be unavoidable, not demand that comrade?
That did not go. We want to refute this false understanding. We maccaunuparcha chaos in the streets, in violation of traffic rules should be able to grow is not.
Well, for what it has closed it?
If we are saying kematrai increase traffic fines is fine there is nothing we did not mind. However, if the state of the road is we take into account the physical development, not karmata road, where parking should be sure that the location does not and can not work jarivanamatrai fees. Where is the bus have previously determined that the state is the state clearly does.
Bhim Jwala rai is now apart of the road condition. In this case a road accident or violation of traffic rules has increased, it should control and that problems should be solved in the name of the current problem can not be solved only increase fines. So what we are saying is that the traffic jarivanavrddhi not great, but the original is the development of the road infrastructure should be.
Such a place should have determined that it is a public road shall be for the bus stop, from here we should have a certain place that we can offer loading and unloading. It is only those who have no management fees jarivanamatrai labors? We should not mean undisciplined, we are representatives of workers. Our belief is that workers should discipline. Therefore, it is wrong to accuse it, we break it, we.
Traffic fines, then growth rate of transport workers' union contention that the news writing is not?
Our growth is not a penalty against. However, should the physical infrastructure development.
Another thing is -work jarivanavrddhima traffic system has three. Crime of Rs 5, Rs 15 thousand rupees to a crime, and crime will be issued a notice to that. Rs 15 offenses have been identified as most 18 points. The basic point of the letter is a number that indicates the traffic violation or if the signal will be fined 15 hundred. Our question is, what is the traffic signal or gesture? It should be Justified or not?
So also do not know, the traffic signal is red light that green light is burning would you? Man driving traffic signs do not know?
The red light is, if we want to say a sage we let the traffic system development. Let the light. Balaum laitaharu. However, we mean the things you ever said garidinuparyo ekangirupama traffic police stressed that 15 per cent of the commission shall be katevapata fines, the Commission abandoned the one-way traffic, the penalty is increased initiative. Demanded the government should pay if the traffic is not reached. However, transport workers and entrepreneurs desire to earn more money by increasing fines commission cut me.
But, comrade street bus stop and the parking of the law, that movement would, fines increased by about why the movement?
We are bhanirakhekai. However, we replenish the stakeholders, we forcible manner, bypassing the traffic because it had become associated with the topic jarivanavrddhisamga. We kuracamhi emphasis is related to the physical purvadharasamgai.
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