press representives

Press Chautari Nepal Sindhupalchok running eighth. The previous day, Press Chautari representatives from all over Sindhupalchok (patrakaharu) has found a bag. Book bag, reports will also have a red packet. Most of what is written in Chinese language. But, 'Health Package' is unequivocally in 'Health pyakejako found that the bag is very representative marveled. Pauneharule also looked open. Medicine also found. But the drug is? The use for? Seems to have been surprised that they do not understand. Finding know how to use the red bag Health Package 'Journalists Drugs hand' was.
What is the proper use of the drug to be effective. If used incorrectly it can also be a greater harm. Therefore, drug and medicinal products it is important to have full knowledge about prayogaaghi.

Press Chautari why at the rear so the packet? Bought then? Yes, come to the crux of Nepal's 'race' show. 'Free found that bitumen eat "saying that this was not famous. This package was sent to Katmandu for support of the earthquake. Bags outside Himalayan Times that the use of English for journalists lekhiekale clearly not, as a synonym for recourse earthquake.
During an earthquake to be shared by the organization in the same store at the rear. Where the leadership of Press Chautari found. Dheraithoka representative that supposedly is seated.Bigrena distribution. There are also some useful item. Jastoh is digital tharmaemitara. Fever was measured work. Mask, hyandiplasta houses such as cheese also know how to use. Other battacahim's that? Many people came to the crux seemed confused.

That's how we have attempted to provide information before the packets paekaharu. First Light blue birkae let the greatest packets. This hand will be used to protect hands jivanubata realize beruhigt. This item is touched by dirty hands and wiped disease of security.And he was more than a little small dark blue specks let birkae. The use of sprays realize parajiviko tokaipachi. There also are two pictures, bugs and mosquitoes. They spit allergy, pain or itching to be used to stop it really.Now what remained of the little white specks birkae. It will be used to purify water tyabaletacahim really. However, this drug is already sinking tablet dust. Doctors say it is good to use so adamant.

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