This phenomenal video footage is shot in 360 by photographer and filmmaker Drew Gardner which shows a team known as the 'Old Reds' attempt to build a notoriously challenging tower not successfully achieved since 1881.Gardner travelled to Vilafranca in a small town just outside Barcelona, as the thousands of spectators flooded into the packed town square to watch the castellers form a tower of five levels of four people. On the top of tower, another level of two rested.
The tower is not considered complete until the enxaneta of a small child climbed to the very top and raised the four fingers. This represents the four stripes of the Catalan flag. An initial failed attempt when the tower collapsed, and again the Old Reds managed to achieve their goal.Then, the celebrations began in earnest. It is the most amazing sight of a human tower of Castellers with the white trousers, a black sash, a bandana and a colored shirt bearing the team's emblem coming together into a multi-tiered structure of people high from the ground up.
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