Pain will be used to reduce pain killer called chromatography. This' non steroidala entiinphlametori drug "called. These have been found to have used drugs currently used in abundance. Although it does a pain, but various kinds of health problems (side effects) also produces.
Urinary Pain Killer not use?
Kidney, liver, heart, high blood pressure and abdominal aneurysm rogiharule not use the drug as possible.
These medicines should be used only medical advice. Those who use topical medicine for a long time his kidneys, liver, heart, etc would not find out by checking the effect of medicines.
In fact, using the same pen really killer can also be harmful. Paracetamol ausadhimadhye aneurysm is considered the most secure. But this drug can also be harmful for liver dialysis. Enjioplasti heart sick, and especially the patient a topical drug ruled too. Heart disease should consult visesajnasanga eaten. Kidney rogiharule not use any topical medicine. This medication should consult visesajnasanga eaten kidney disease.
What Painkiller used, what problem?
Parasitamola head pain and to reduce fever is used.
Aibuprophena to reduce pain
Aibu? Para to reduce pain
Diklophinaika to reduce pain
Esiklophinaika to reduce pain
Indomethasina to reduce pain
Pairoksikaima to reduce pain
Nimesulaida to reduce pain
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