Loot part two nepali movie

Nepali film industry suddenly slow down time, maintaining a record performance in the movie business 'prey' is still neck audience. Love this movie so much that the viewer, are now trying to make its manufacturer sequel.Interestingly, it was not the start of the movie shooting. However, if you shoot a teaser its nirmanapaksale by a public announcement. Today, the public concerning the teaser manufacturer Madhav said Wagle windstorm our publicity stunt is. We are working within a Schedule. ""All the artists lutaka 'plunder 2ma shown. A new shock should always be able to be added, and 2 teen boys hopped said. According to 'plunder' has drsyabatai 'plunder 2ko story will begin.Basnet movie doing quiet. Quiet 'lutako the success of the sudden emergence of the director. The movie Dayahang Rai, Malla, Karma, Richa Sharma and other artist will be the main role.All these artists will host the film's teaser also the manufacturer of Wagle information. The film will be on display phaguna 13 Popcorn Company information is given. Public shooting of the movie will begin by teaser.Narendra Maharjan movie, Madhav Kumar Wagle, quiet Basnet team that will build. Narendrasamgako timaapako Neupane said concerning some permanent enemies and no permanent enemies-yaham not. '

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