Boston-often busy, but do you have to complain if busy researchers have been very good for your brain, said."Busy as a very good 'in the title phrantiyarsa ejina nyurosainsa Journal is printed," We are busy as we are, the more increases the ability of our perception. " The research at the University of Texas and the University of Alabama, USA had a couple of."In many places busy and involvement, and there is also attached to narahaneharubica comparative study of the busy brain a little active, the ability to little more has been found, 'the study, the major and the University of Texas dalasaki postadaktalara scientific whole phestinile said,' previous study new skills mental activity more rise but more than the kind of busy at work everyday stress was found to be more active in the brain. "It would have been a burden to those who work busy mother that was thought, but mothers also complained that they could solve the problems appeared active in.'Of course, in connection with the busy man is the negative impact is not seen, but the thinking ability to grow busy fold growth that results from really is, "said phestinile.
3 hundred researchers from 30 of 50 healthy men and women 8, 9 years old group was the study. Adhyetale have answered "Measurement busy 'doing work measurement speed, enormous memory, serial memory a long time, the ability to distinguish causation, extensive knowledge together to analyze what had been.Study summaries says, "busy-50 from the high-level sentience 8 9 age group is higher than that seen in person. ' But the study does not relax between very busy, even in his care has shown a tendency widely.
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