Bhaktapur is healing and yielded five year-old girl accused of disabled people make Bhaktapur on Thursday, gaththagharasthita Civil Hospital has been performing. The girl was said to be healed deviated Nissou khangako innings, made a leg useless claiming that child was the victim, asking for compensation for the three-hour performance.
Nissou girl last November 9 in Bhaktapur 2 kausalatarasthita the second floor of a rented house where she had skidded. The girl was taken to the hospital after the accident immediately. According to Upendra father about two weeks in the hospital, the child, the right course of treatment plaster foot surgery and was discharged. From time to time the hospital X-ray and follow up was hudai. According to the incident report, since a few months, it kramapachi physiotherapy service to a nearby hospital, the girl was taken to hospital in Korea alliance. It is reported that during the tyahaka doctor after the child's bone is kuhisakyo had begun to seek compensation for the victim's family aspatalasamga.
The victim is healed father upendrale 6 months, 70 percent of wrong information flow that was healed from the majority, accused the hospital jhulaumdai. The patient is told to clean the right incurable made, the victims father, Upendra suffering pen.
According to the victim Korea Friendship Hospital will not be healed bone dry now more fearful girl for the Czech Jorpati arthaepedika Hospital, B & V also was taken to the hospital, but the doctor tyahaka also said that the bone does not heal dried. After asking for compensation for the victims came from. In this process, often talks about that. But the hospital has not paid proper compensation for the victim, the victim girl died on Thursday, the women were brought from sit-day.
Hospital director Jitendra Shrestha was nothing wrong during the operation, he added. However, in donation to the hospital after being prepared 40 thousand rupees a day hospital director of administration said. However, if the victim so compensated to take on that score. They have demanded that the child social protection. Dharnapachi three hours on Thursday to give police complaint seeking compensation after the victims left the house, they were staged.
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