finger print Vs password , which better ?

If you have a smartphone security measures it is necessary. Smartphone PIN number for security lock, lock pattern, there are a variety of methods, including passwords and finger print.

Pinavala your phone's password and password only if the fingerprint use underling, it only works on your finger directive.

How do you know that you or PIN number with the password of the phingarapriranta What is more secure? Password or PIN number as a fingerprint is used and there are some advantages, some disadvantages.

When it comes to smartphone security password lock pin nambaravala when the PIN is used when the correct password is easy to guess would not be. But what you have used a smartphone that it depends.

On iPhone you ten times the wrong PIN number blakaberi and into the smartphone is locked. But this law is not on Android.

So if Android smartphone PIN number if more than one other security feature will not put time and are estimated to carry out your password to unlock the smartphone to detect and likelihood is high.

So you opt for such a situation Android device to put your data must entri m IV. Changing the device's settings to encrypt data. And when you turn to when your device is off and you need to put a password. This will force your device's security puraumdacha more.

The PIN for security than password fingerprint is much easier and safer. However security experts said even fingerprint security hundred percent secure comfort.

If someone said your smartphone data cornucha khojnasakdacha your fingerprint and so he sought the help of a smartphone to unlock indefinite phinagaraprintako.

Sometimes when taking a picture in a public place you could be initiated thumbs up and best of luck telling. Your thambaprinta out the photos from your hacker.

If you use the smartphone to have a thumb fingerprint aumlakai hacker can now open your smartphone. This article is about how vulnerable fingerprint that is very vibrant.

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