children and their people

Children and thin people with diabetes appear
Published Date: June 2073 10 December 1611 Views: 6919 263 1
NEWAH newspaper
Mangsir_Health_2071.FH10 Type A diabetes usually appears in children and more than lean people. It is insulin production is zero. So it called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. About 10 percent of the total diabetes is found. It quickly emerges symptoms of diabetes. It is to undergo insulin needle. Frequent urinary useful, more useful thirst, hunger is very useful, weight suddenly decreases, more of the symptoms of tiredness. This viral infection pyakriyajama diabetes, auto-immune 9aphai 0 and 5 percent is due to hereditary. Most of the diabetes itself because it is no way it happens bamcne.

When the production of hormones called insulin deficiency or diabetes Insulin is a lack of work. Insulin helps blood glucose to be used as power. The glucose into glycogen and supplies and more. However, when lack of insulin to use glucose in the body and stored as glycogen and blood glucose levels can rise as unnecessary. An examination of the blood sugar levels in the morning on an empty stomach more than 126 miligramabhanda increased blood sugar is considered unattainable.

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