sucide case

April 10, Dhangadhi. Been tempted to marry, bringing the unborn because of illegal physical sambandhapachi police investigation revealed that there is a need of young suicide.

Gallery shop in suicide local Assis mobile menakakumari Chaudhary, 25, committed suicide on May 2 is held on the morning her mobile.

During the police investigation, market operators are tempted to marry her, the Far Western tohita siddakile physical sambandhapachi of illegal drugs Khan wearing pregnancies fall due to suicide has been found menakale.

Udasipura VDC of Kailali, Dhangadhi and currently is living in the house for the past four years, the mobile store Maneka working with her.

Following the incident, the police investigation of a complaint filed by Chaudhary paradesirama unidentified brother had begun. Superintendent of Police Rajendra Bista press conference during the investigation, the deceased had used mobile as well as lodging and confiscating the paper said written reasons of the suicide,

Apartment of the deceased was found to convert kapisameta taught is learned. Police chiefs have been arrested.

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