Science New invention ( latest updates )

75 thousand years ago, a group of people looking for a new place Africa had moved. Milnarajasta billionaire Yuri is the earth instead of the other planets are moving imagination. It also has failed to fulfill immediately imagine giants on Tuesday, cigar box and pluck 4.37 light years away in space bimaharule Yan light to start the campaign after puryakaune now 'brekathru starasata' program is discussed.

Yuri Gagarin the first man in space was very impressed by Yuri rakhidieki milnaraki mother was his name. Following the same Gagarin dream Milner physicist Stephen Hawking and Facebook co-founder Mark Zakebaige with such a tiny vehicle (Nano Craft) are investing billions to make, that our nearest star system Alpha sentaurima inhabitant reached the planet in his / her doing research.

In this campaign, former director of NASA are led Pitt vardenale. Hundreds of cigar box giants plan your trip Jan took his camera and seeking information are sent to the earth. These tiny spacecraft speed will be 215 million per hour. That is the speed of light (light speed) than the more than 20Ü. 25 trillion kilometers away from the present into the alpha sentaurima Yan takes 30 thousand years more. But proposed little Yan was only 20 years to get there, scientists estimate is.

It is possible? Some scientists are not ready to accept. Technology is available now unable to complete it immediately, and further research is required in the opinion of some. The need for research to raise 10 billion dollars, and its primary money needed for Milner and jakarabargale have already announced.

Announced the completion of the program, Stephen Hawking said that soon the dream. He said, 'Because we are human, and our nature is to fly.'

Science writer Alan Duffy Space Oct. writes, "In the coming decade, a new search that symptoms are seen, it Hawking and his team say it may not be the dream." But if it is possible to be great strides in the field of physics, says Duffy.

The principle is?

Yan viewed simply a tiny space. Yan was sent to the earth and light particle (part) s thokkainchan. The blow grows little spacecraft fastest pace. Light pushed any item that increases before a second 60 million meters. For this purpose, much more remains to be hard for scientists that 'push' is required to give to the rest of the research is photonamathi. Such unanticipated increases in space before the captivity of the little Yan, the sea breeze as the wind increases water before the ship.

Such a shock to the United States, California, a laboratory laser light feature exists. He has thrown 5 hundred terawatt laser power. It will cast light on a maikrosekendama only once, while the diminutive forward Yan 10 minutes long at a time is deemed necessary in the light cast.

It is also possible if it cost so much more than that because it is a profession of amtne that naamtne forced to think that the price of $ 10 billion, which has built a large aircraft company aircraft equal.

hardware problem

The laser beam may be a light burned instant Yan. Construction vehicles that could cope with billions of minutes of pushing and research houses next challenge. Fearing for the camera to be connected to it. Electronic transmission will also be required to supply electricity. Where the vehicle is and where image and other activities cadets to be safe, because all kinds of activities will make the hardware.

'Star shot': Alpha sencuritarpha helimdai

The objectives of the program brekathura star shot the pustabhitrai is to find the closest star to space. (Mathih red light laser light is sent to the earth, which gives little Yan push.)

A search space cipabata

Introducing the tiniest electronic content due to make 1 gram weight of the paper clip creation is feasible. Laser dialog tunnels, cameras, nuclear battery, computer and other device itself is required. It 'staracipa' has been renamed. Postal stamp size and in weight, scientists think it has to build.

Using laser shock taratarpha day

A space with many staracipalai be pushed. 1 hundred gigawatt laser blasts (bottom picture) before the staracipalai helaumdai sides. This power is the energy required by a space aircraft to leave the Earth too. Research shows that the earth's gravity, 60 thousand times greater than the blow before the increases pushed Yan.


Staracipalai other solar system is required to solve the various challenges before sending.

• Push the earth station to make laser blast

• The environmental barrier ranges on earth

• Other star Mandal made exactly the target

• 20 years continuously shed space staracipalai

• space in the dust, gas, and wherein rapid trip interruption kasmikajasta

• space for decades continued functionality

• continuous camera shot exactly the same place lagairahanu

• Get the photo sent using laser

• Energy emissions and storage

• Policy Issue

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