Nitisa Kumar, Chief Minister of the Indian state of Bihar, saravabandiko law was passed on March 30, she wrote. Aldermen Vihar Amendment Bill, 2016 was passed unanimously. Then, Effective April 1 this law went into effect.
The right wine production, sales-distribution or intake of Rs 1 lakh and Rs 5 lakh and 10 years in prison system is even. After this law was passed the border of Indian wines sevanakartaharu rural roadways came to Nepal in stores alcohol consumption has been found. Due to the sale of alcohol and consumption of alcohol on them to nominate the best option is for the Nepalese.
Nitish Kumar, File Photo
Bihar Chief Minister nitisa Kumar.
This law took idol is now strictly enforced Nepali market is unlikely to come to Bihar, local to the police adhikariharusamma alcohol bordering India border in Jhapa lasuna coalition said a local name. He told us that the picture of a police wines are also available to purchase on Tuesday.
Due to increased consumption of alcohol and citizens households ignored the state of Bihar, crime, saying there was a ban on alcohol sales and distribution. After the ban of alcohol viharasamga which borders Nepal and Jhapa market, the Indian market lasuna target customers is rising in the hotels.
Lasuna and Jhapa recent market has opened about a dozen hotels have the same number are in the process of opening.
Even pedestrians yawned
Indian police are a young wine purchase.
Alcohol ban the entrance of the idol in the Nepali market Indian Border Security Force officials Indians 'mapase' check only have to enter. "Yawned" as well as other action to beat even have to react to the local states.
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