Dayahang Rai new video realesed

Velayata. Velayatama his movie "Veer Vikram" during the hero's Premier Dayahang Rai and jointly meet the singer camsale new song music video Raj Ghale hearts are also made public.

Relieved of the first album the song "Today I leave bhanchyau, the mind might wander modideu" The music video has been directed by the public have efficient Shrestha.

Each video has a few differences when desiring to set up a media Shrestha's direction, cinematography and editing, and accessories made of direction, Krishna Subedi she joined the video interactive audience response was isolated.

Rap song and melody mixed video shoot location was chosen in London Graffiti vataralu. It is such a rough bhenyu tanelabhitra jatajatai, where he is painting.

Such a rock song and video make the typing of just woken up. Soon, the first album in preparing young Raj Ghale three sports bike and a car for the video used to complain. Rap songs such as the location of the point. No agreement is not in favor of the construction of the video claim.

All Sirpali director of the video, Sushil Thapa Gurung and skill training for acting. The last video is directed by Shrestha Anju Panta "Junie Junie" The video is now widely discussed.

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