Dadeldhura fire news

DADELDHURA, April 17 - Dadeldhura Bazaar area of ​​the fire is under control. Dadelshura municipality ready to fire the absence of local residents, traders and security are three hours to control the fire. Fires were also used for controlling the dozer and skabhetaraharu. The fire is burning a Pallas and one industry. The hundreds of fire damage is estimated. Similarly, four security personnel were injured in the fire nibhaumda.
The great weakness of the municipality
Fire control district child knows there is a great weakness. 9 December 2071 1 Night Bazaar region of tens of damage in a fire brigade was ready to fail municipality lacaripana views. Then
The employees of the municipality fire inbhartara use (battery) power home and were burning. Now in the same area of ​​the municipality fire brigade lagen work. Even now, it is understood fire brigade sent for repair elsewhere. A similar disaster only to be used when preparing the device narakhida Swatantra more damage per municipality are all vented resentment.
Dadeldhura Bazaar area of ​​the fire, including three times. The only fire three times when a municipality may also work to control the fire around.
Angry businessman, municipal office vandalized
The local businessmen from the municipality per child knows vandalized office. There has been times when the office before they fire the appearance of the municipality lacaripana are vandalized.
Dhungamudale vandalism during the strike by the Office of windowpanes were broken.
Municipal police custody, officials departmental action
The fire brigade ready for controlling the direction of not having Amargadhi administration of the municipality executive director of the Matrika Prasad Bhattarai police have been imprisoned. Other office staff for departmental action recommended by the Chief District Officer of the district administration office dadeladhurale love Luitel said Prasad.
Details of the loss for the emergency meeting to collect data to collect and living fire damage to the District Administration Office and discuss preparations for the next gap is calling an emergency meeting.

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