Butwal Tinau Bridge condition

Bhairahawa flow area by encroaching settlement risk culminates in basaimda riversides have begun to appear on the surface of the river dhungagiti mining effects. Jokhimasamgai river basin subsidence bridge utkhananapachi recklessly gahiriekale irrigation projects have left the water to climb.
Now, the East-West Mahendra Highway Bridge Foundation riversides thesis seems to four meters out. The bridge is at risk from wearing Dodger phaundesanasamma khotalimda.

Gahirine river in order to avoid acute due to the project officials are now being conducted at the bridge repair work is not convinced. Invalid utkhananapachi the river changed the form of the situation is not as confident of their statement. Department of Roads Bridge Project 2 million to 75 million rupees has started to repair the bridge riversides.

Tinau monsoon flow is too fast. Samghuriesamgai river basins areas in order to frame the bridge gahirine risk of technical analysis. "The river flows are scattered water discharge gahiriekale doliera kind of structure we are building, it can reduce the risk that is," Chief Engineer of the Department of Roads Bridge Project Sector Number subsystems Ganesh Gautam said.

Bid for the bridge, but only affect the river, irrigation and drinking water has been seen.

Here are two samples are directly hit by the irrigation system. The South Asian community management model sixteen-thirty-irrigation and irrigation system caratapaha Ba "dhabhanda the river has reached the bottom surface. The area to prevent further deepen the millions of Buddhists has been marked bedavara, canals, Ba" has been made available concrete. Sixteen-Thirty-irrigation system kanyedhunga ba "for shoving Rs 7 crore 35 lakh has been spent. This irrigation system itimyabhuda Ba" I am available to work the river, fully elevated "gradually. This Ba" to make available 13 million to 12 million apart. Itimyabhuda ba "three meters below the surface of the river was reached dhabhanda obligation to repair the cause of the Division of Irrigation Engineer's Office, police said Vishnu. Canal water shutdown to climb seven years, the Ba" th was closed.

Tinau western region of 12 million Rupee has been spent to improve caratapaha irrigation Irrigation Division Office Rupandehi information is given. Sixteen-Thirty 7 thousand and 3 thousand 5 hundred of caratapahabata 10 thousand 5 hundred hectares of land is irrigated. Rupendhai 85 thousand hectares of arable bhumimadhye 15 thousand hectares of surface irrigation system is applied.

The river is 12 meters deeper than the riversides technical study. Tinaubare studied environment engineer khetaraja Dahal Rivers different areas 3 ditch 12 meters deeper than incapable. "Some of the river gahiriepachi right" Baya "reclaiming the area sat settlement flooding in the name of the tatabandhale takes the area more narrow is made. For this reason, the water doliera wreak gahirine order fast environmental engineer, said it was. 'unbridled wanton encroachment of the area affected by extraction and winds have started to come to the antibodies, respectively, seems to continue to grow in the coming days, "he said.

River deepening as here, "the underground water source also begun to suffer. No time tinauasapasa Anandaban, Motipur-, amuvalagayata area wells 25 to 30 feet burying rained. Now 40 to 50 feet uniting the water meet is difficult. 'Riversides River gahiriesamgai Underground surface water is found going down, 'water and sanitation consumers Committee, Chairman of the Pole is essential if Rupandehi.

Before the summer, rivers are drying wells have now started. "Riversides deeply as water could not be recharged, the ground water level decreased, so wells are drying," says engineer Dahal, 'This problem may increase in the coming days. "

BS From 2050 to 2066 excavations started in 2060 by the riversides said ekskabhetara be prepared by over-exploitation. Some stop uncontrolled excavation since 2068, according to belakai scarcity is now showing rapid effect. District Development Committee, gave the contract for the extraction of Mid-Fiscal. To Rs 20 crore contract given to the DDC data. Early damage amkalanasahita results rather than by fixing arbitrary pillaging exemption when the contract problems have now Dr. Dahal said.

At that time three dozen daily ekskabhetara winds into the gravel-sand region had to withdraw. Water Resources Act 204 9 extracted object to block out the equipment used and even more attention, not abiding by the District Development Committee Act. River rulers of the contract was, DDC staff at his advocacy for not utrimda current situation.

BS Since 2050, sold nearly 75 million income in the riversides wanton destruction of the DDC data. To control the effects of uncontrolled nikasile seven years, 80 million has already been spent. River control, irrigation projects and the amount of money at risk to protect the bridge has. In the coming days, said a technician can lead to more investment.

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