Last Sunday, two men in Korea Nepali youth have committed suicide by hanging. EPS came here to employment through the Employment Permit System, approximately twenty-year-old Vijay Khatri GULMI Arkhale and Mohan Singh, who committed suicide by hanging room budhapalale company. Khyanjusthita textile company employed khatrile leave to go home to his room Impunity, unfortunately committed suicide by hanging EPS through nine months before cooling off news came yesterday with the company budhapalale kancanapuraka Mohan has been reported to have committed suicide jhundiera. Anasanasthita cartoon boxes to make alcohol by employed budhapalale Saturday night, slept in the same company, said his colleagues are working. Sunday morning, after the search of the room mentioned by insurance companies in the iron found hanging dead budhapala described the situation. Budhapalale said the reason of suicide is not known. Cautisa budhapala-year-old married and has four children, has been learned. Nepalese embassies and household information about the incident is given.
Similarly, after finishing his tenure in the country rose to go to Embassy labor attaché has information about the death of Anil Gurung, Nepal, and to understand what preparations are being made toward the scene said.
Nepali youth suicide in Korea last time the order is increased. A month ago a nearby tree branches hanging syangajaka Ganesh Chapagain company had pranatyaga. He wrote suicide note had committed suicide. Suicide note as damaging the deceased suffered from depression and that Chapagain own life and I lived viraktieko wrote. Similarly, he has failed to understand their problems complained sahakarmiharule were also dealt with.
Employment in Korea for nine years, since that is greater than ninety various reasons come to him since he is already dead. And speaking of the situation in which the suicide toll is more mrtayu. The last time the Nepali youths under the age of twenty five years writing a suicide note suicide have increased. Which Nepalis here are concerned. Different types of organizations working to prevent suicide Nepali growing here in the project from the program if the embassies and the government of Nepal also using social networking initiative to stop suicide to even request to have. Korea's busy diary and work, a different culture, language, food, family stress, regular alcohol intake, as the company said lack of friends from working, for various reasons, including inability to understand the problem of the Nepali youth have been victims of depression. Finally, they committed suicide after suffering from depression as a disgusting way thalidai have to adopt. Through which social network users may suffer from depression and have no problem giving nalayakipanako nouns were friends from his ability to share his problems to understand that to have called.
In Korea, the government of Nepal to minimize the increasing incidence of death, including suicide, are involved here, including the Nepali Embassy in Nepal to take action, including organizations for various sacetanamulaka program has definitely tatkal.
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