Few people today will not be mobile with. The phone not only to email, the Internet, play a game using a mobile is more. However, many use a mobile phone while it can harm health. According to a senior doctor God Koirala mobile overuse or indiscriminate use of harmful to human health, studies have shown. The researchers said that a bad effect on the health of mobile phone out of his electromagnetic rediesanale said. Therefore, when using a mobile phone pay attention to many things. Mobile calauneharulai doctor suggested Koirala is this:
1. Mobailala keep on the phone at least 2 to 7 inches, and when possible
Keep loud speaker mode. By doing so, the brains electromagnetic rediyasanaharu go into the house.
2. Switch mobile data off to sleep at night and keep on about 1.8 meters.
Having looked back pocket that keep 3mobaila pad so that it may be on anti-tapaidekhi.
4. Stop using mobile phones when pregnant. Because of its effect on the baby grew badly it can affect electromagnetic rediyasanale.
5. Rooms metal as a car, elevator, airplane, train in the beginning, an increase in volume of mobile rediyasanako out in such a position Stop mobile use.
6. Earphones, headsets used for Stop fetching it out of the mobile phone close to the ear rediyasanako rediyasanako effect is three times higher than the effect.
7. Less than fifteen years of age, because of their content and grow the brain to use the group balabalikalai Mobile Phone bad effect toward rediyasanako. Researchers also has said that the child's death from cancer, brain cancer, the second cause has been 9tyumara 0 and its indiscriminate use is being eagerly back.
8. Keep away from children born just keep mobile phones us- palate thin rediyasana their brain faster transmission likely to give rise to cancer in the brain well.
9. Phonalai narakhnusa trousers pocket as it keeps your reproductive capacity. It is also close to the heart of mobailalai narakhnus effect heartbeat. Moreover, buying a mobile phone SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) view. As SAR is often less good. When you talk on the phone two minutes is said researchers your brain is affected by the natural bidyutiya affairs until one hour.
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