KATHMANDU, water delivery schedule for delivery of the public health not and Nakkhu streams dusitapani saying kirtipurabasile Kathmandu Valley Water Ltd. (keyukela) in Kirtipur have staged branch office. -
Nakkhu sacked streams without treatment dusitapani public taps to send the confirmation of when the public are angry.
Bhajangala, itagola, the scenes, the new market, tyanlaphamta, Panga sector to the public water supply was tested. Inbhaironmenta End Climate Study lyabrotorile the test of the samples was no water is being distributed in Kirtipur area was found -
Water scarcity already fallen only to send the bill sent water from anywhere and when contaminated water tested, including the general movement had mentioned ascension. "The first water supply comes from the water that is not contaminated, and WFP ', sit-day-old pronanatha nagarikanyujasamga Poudel said,' earthquake Nakkhu dusitapani started sending streams of education. '
To obstruct the general public, without bucket, carrying water from gyalina were staged. - See more at:
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