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One-man extra large dissatisfaction or even panic phailinasakne sensitive to things as possible the facts themselves not formally announced, and they also more flexible, and gradually to the government in all forms of diplomacy.
SSB agreement Nepal's electricity measurement when millions of watts (Watt) and India would power a few thousand MW (Megawatt), Japan phukusimako nuclear reactor is melt 500 kilometers radioactive vikiranaharu pugisakda also a certain amount of radiation a bucket, but atiihalnu the situation is not that the government through the throat suknegari blow examples are the same-the same.
Scientists tongue chewing or seven mobile naghumaikana jastakotastai be said that humans on earth for all creatures playing a ring danger Hour.
Now, the earth has entered the era of the sixth great flood of human beings lopahumdaigairaheka said the world must be the sixth number.
Some of our past century as a result of their activity 100 years the average temperature of the earth has increased the rate of 3 digrijakae. The current temperature of 30 degrees plus in the next 1 thousand years to come thereby also put together the condition of the earth would let himself imagine.
Every moment on earth could ailagna avoid the risk of having another, the whole organism before the flames die if human existence on earth khojiena option 1 thousand years ahead of all the rest do not.
Other animals stumble so poor! Hinjoko not know is that they do not currently have, do not know anything about their fathers, do not worry about that for the coming offspring! Do not worry Sock! The world is what it is agadimatra eyes. For now, Khan was found. So JJ comes with no sacrifice is not only becoming a thapinu sibayako bicaraharuko!
Even we humans on earth today, this very moment, our condition is also chargeable option will not make any difference than the dinosaurs! Looking at the present situation the way we Suicide (Suicidal Path) are marching on. But if khojigaryo and lagiparyo said getting out of the enemy, sustaining our traces and made several measures to save!
Fiction 1
Piss off the entire organism ceases to exist before the earth shall be made, or the earth than the degradation manabajatile no other planet is already inhabited we move in today's indispensable, urgent, shared goal of every people and nation (Mission) willingly.
When planets Mercury (Mercury) is closest to the sun, but it is extremely hot, and the water is not air it could not therefore avoiding animal | The distance from the earth is tipped the other way, suryabatako other adjacent or near the planet Venus (Venus) is. It is also quite hot clouds swallowed a 24-hour, full of poisonous gyasaigyasale | The planet Mars is closest to the Earth in status or another a little more likely to have been closer to the planet Mars.
Therefore, even if they move quickly migrated to Mars, though less than the number of wealth, may nametina manabajatiko seed.
But this vague Pedara contradictory, or we can come nahunekura Nepalese hunekura also said in bhaihalcha free light that does not imply that a twist. Nor is it to go somewhere on vacation back home diminished, or ration-water rags-textile-equipment, including tools for some time to go home to sit in Antarctica artificial inputs, or 2-4 months in space that is causing the machine and sat down.
It can not depend environmental or external, gravity not affect the little cabin great home, a small machine, great machine, small chips Computer chips frenzy is also not great. It is manabajatile wives of the earth, or at least for all eternity, that is not likely to remain pustaumpustasamma that is associated with what. So halkaparale their status to another planet, than gaihalincha free and rational, and wisdom to know the reality of the law.
After the Sun-Earth distance in terms of Mars is the fourth planet far. Landmass nearly equal to that of its earth. The gravity of the earth's surface, about 37% of the fork. Mars is very large, 21 kilometers high and 600 kilometers in diameter (Diameter) were, are jvalamukhiharu. In addition to the whole planet into its huge amdhibehariharu dhaknegari dust driven by several months. The bayumandala deadly rays of the sun is not kind cheknasakne. No little ecosystem.
Its size Oval (Oval-Shape) because it is strange seasons Rev. usually, quite woes and very cold! The bond to many different cell fragments or substance ghumnekramama long ago fell on the earth, too, found that scientific tests. There are a lot of speculation on what it banavatabareka, and what kind of device is right that there is a reply to the decision is easy.
According to their speed of the vehicles in separate lanes duivota ekaitarpha duivota different from those of both the distance, as if the Earth and Mars varies with distance also, because both nowadays revolves around the sun, but different speeds and times. Both of these very close to each other may be close to 5 million to 60 million kilometers. That was in 2003. The sun 22 million miles away on Mars 7, 9 million is 14 million 9 6 million km from the earth.
Mars is distant enough that people made. 1 9 60 In the Soviet Union started an immediate campaign KORABL 4 (Mission) from India has recently Mars Orbit Mission (MOM) came up in a survey of hundreds of typically 16 votamatra campaign partial success.
The most successful of them, sent on 26 November 2011 to reach Mars Curiosity Rover to 8 months, 12 days, and it was as much about environment in Mars, geography, etc. is different studies and research. But when Mars is only 3 million 84 thousand 4 hundred miles away as the moon does not go.
However, no more than about 500 miles per hour speed bullet train on land, 6,000 miles per hour begama able to fly planes, and the rate of 30,000 miles per hour mobile space rocket range and speed of the councils, we must also solve the problem in the future as we can.
Fiction 2
Automatic construction materials piling earth, or the earth could be controlled and directed by sending robots to Mars by the construction of the city would be. But Mars does not stay the distance and home related nirmanasangamatra. It is there to stay for ever, life, living, and is also closely dhaninesanga.
Thin Mars atmosphere (Atmosphere) can not save us from meteorites and cosmic rays. To avoid this situation and offer some measures to adopt. Such as: - Mars monumental, such as the United States Grand Canyon, Canyon, there are s. Inner walls of their houses inside the library. To do so he also oxygen, water and food to be a problem.
Fiction 3
Technology (Technology) can be separated only by using soil water. Hydrogen and oxygen in water can also be separated so. (Hydroponic) method, water is the only plant that can raise, and the same tree and at the same time also be a variety of food, fruit. Do not even need soil and crop needed to place too much | Photo-synthesis process needed to make food for the plant Artificial Light can also be used.
Paisavalaharuko access to things like Vacation Centers and Casino is avoided to make, people, including DNA or our sabhyatako artifact creature that can be done to protect and take, but how to install hydro-manabalagayataka flesh Was it? This is not a man to take the seed for the restoration of the human race it is. Dragging a serpajiharule and some of the rulers of the living body, struggled to Everest for a moment, and that is so very different from living things are sagaramathamai Free!
Earth's atmosphere (Atmosphere) in 78.9% Nitrogen, 20.9 5% Oxygen, 0.93% Argon, 0.039% Carbon Dioxide, etc. There are gases. Basic elements of the role of these factors is worthy of the earth for animals and plants. But the Mars atmosphere (Atmosphere) on 9 5.32% Carbon Dioxide, only 2.7% Nitrogen, only 0.13% Oxygen, is the only 0.03% Water Vapor.
For the life of a creature dhaninako ucitamatrama air, water and food as well as for life to function smoothly, niscitamatrama body temperature, and the digestive system and spoiled release system to be resumed Operating Pressure also need a certain amount. So far we see none of these things is not appropriate in view of Mars. How can these things be done to solve it?
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